What is the riding etiquette on trails?

Your new Ski-Doo snowmobile has been designed and built by industry experts in their field to the highest level of safety and quality to provide you with years of enjoyment. That said, it does require your utmost respect and attention to safety.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind next time you hit the trails:

1. Keep right at all times. Trails have two-way traffic with limited visibility sight lines, often a narrow path though the forest or brush. Pay attention to how tight or wide the trail path is and how far you can see on-coming traffic.

2. A basic rule is to always be able to stop your sled within the distance you can see. Do not overdrive your ability to see what is around the corner, or over the hill.

3. Expect on-coming traffic at all times. Others will be using the same path, coming from the opposite direction. Do not stop directly on the trail, instead, pull off to the side of the trail to allow safe passage for others.

4. Operate your snowmobile only in areas and on land where it is legal to do so. Just because you see tracks going off the trail does not indicate it is safe or legal to do so.

5. Never exceed your own capability or comfort level. Allow your skill and comfort level to grow with your experience and knowledge. While riding a snowmobile can be exhilarating it can also be dangerous, as most any form of recreation is at speed.

6. Do not ride alone. Always let someone know where you are going and when you expect to return.

7. Most snowmobile accidents occur at night, with excess speed, and often times on frozen surfaces or with alcohol involved. Safe riders stay sober, avoid frozen surfaces, stay on the designated trail and do not exceed safe speeds.

By reading and studying the sled’s Operator's Guide and snowmobile safety guide you will quickly and easily learn the basics of snowmobile etiquette. Safety is paramount in any motorized recreation sport, be sure to follow these simple steps and every ride will be one to remember!

Watch the Ski-Doo safety video

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